Thursday, December 12, 2013

CHAPTER 1 NEURAL SCIENCE; Mark Ralph Rowe; San Diego, California (Golden Hills) 92102; 11/17/2013

1.1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW JACK A. GREBB, M.D. The neurosciences are fundamentally important to the clinical specialties of psychiatryneurology, and neurosurgery because they explore the biology of neuronal tissues.  Two sub-specialty areas within psychiatry--neuropsychiatry and biological psychiatry--have particularly endeavored to integrate neuroscientific information neuroscientific information with clinical psychiatry.  It is unfortunate in some respects that these subspecialty concepts have evolved, since an appreciation for the basic neurosciences should infuse the clinical approaches of all professionals working with the mentally ill. MISLEADING DICHOTOMIES  There is a common tendency to divide and distinguish phenomena, even in the absence of adequate data.  This tendency has had unfortunate consequences for the mentally ill.  In recent history, people inflicted with diseases that were not understood (e.g., tuberculosis, cancer) have been ostracized from society.  Once the conditions were understood as medical diseases, these outcasts entered the relative comfort of a medical model for their afflictions.  Patients with  mental illnesses are currently caught in a transitional phase in this process.  The general  acceptance of mental illness as a disease of the brain is currently hindered by at least five misleading dichotomies. > Neurology vs. psychiatry  The clinical distinction between neurology and psychiatry is increasingly appreciated as awkward and artificial  (Chapter 2).  Neurology has traditionally focused on organic disorders with identifiable pathology, whereas psychiatry has focused on functional disorders without observable pathology.  Regardless of intentions, the implication in that neurological disorders are real diseases, whereas psychiatric disorders are not.  Functional, in this context, actually means that the pathophysiological basis has not been discovered yet--not that one does not exist.  A better term for functional might be idiopathic. The mind-brain dichotomy  The mind and the brain share the same organ.  Mind is what is called the personal experience of the brain or perhaps the experienced of change in the brain.  How can the complexity of the mind be explained by the brain?  First, the brain is undoubtedly more complex than is currently known; second perhaps minds are not as complex as generally thought. Nature vs. nurture  There is no contest: nature is nurtured, and nurture has a nature.  Nature and nurture are mutually interacting systems.  It has been shown clearly that the environment (i.e., nurture) can affect biology at very basic molecular levels (e.g. branching of dendrites, activity of enzymes).  Nurture itself can be seen as a reciprocal biological event.  Human beings affect one another, and there exist biological changes paralleled to the subjective experiences. Structure vs. function  All mental activities (behavior, thoughts, feelings) are paired with biological events in the brain.  The techniques of basic neuroscience can potentially identify the structural correlates of mental activity at the level of genes and other molecules.  The division between structure and function rest solely on which biological level is arbitrarily chosen as a cutoff point.  A more accurate approach is to accept that each biological disorder, including mental illness, has a structural pathology at some level or assortment of levels, and that this structural abnormality is reflected as a disorder of function or regulation. Biology vs. psychology  This dichotomy is both a derivative of the mind-brain issue and an unfortunate offshoot of debates within the field of psychiatry.  Biology, psychology, empirical observations.  The level and descriptive lexicon used to describe behavioral phenomena can be varied.  Ina particular situation, one model might be more enlightening or clinically appropriated than another.  OVERVIEW OF NEURAL SCIENCES The aim of this 15-section neural sciences chapter is to provide a brief introduction to the basic science principles that underlie that many biological theories, organic therapies, and research findings discussed in the chapters on specific clinical disorders.  Therefore, the sections within this chapter do not systematically review the relationships between their topics and relevant clinical disorders.  Therefore, the sections within this chapter do not systematically review the relationships between their topics and relevant clinical disorders.  Rather, this chapter can either be read as an introduction to basic biological principles or used as a reference when reading about biological material in subsequent chapters. NEUROANATOMY  Classical neuroanatomy (Section 1.2) describes regions and connections in the brain based primarily on observations from gross neuroanatomy.  Functional neuroanatomy (Section 1.3) is based more on data from studies defining the distribution of specific molecules (e.g., neurotransmitters) and from studies using advanced histochemical techniques that have defined more clearly the projection patterns of neuronal populations.  Functional neuroanatomy is possibly more relevant to psychiatric disorders than is classical neuroanatomy are slowly eclipsing some of the previous tenets of classical neuroanatomy. Neurons  The neuron, or nerve cell, is the basic functional unit of the nervous system.  Neurons vary widely in terms of size, shape, number f synapses, and chemical constituents.  The cell body, also called the some or perikaryon, typically gives rise to axons and dendrites.  The axon arises from the cell body or the base of one of the main dendrites.  The initial axon segment, the axon hillock, actually is the site of initiation for the action potential in many neurons.  Enlargements at the ends of axons are called axon terminals, or boutons, and are the sites of presynaptic neurotransmitter release.  Within the axon terminals are the synaptic vesicles, which contain neurotransmitter substances.  There are different types of synaptic vesicles, varying in sized, shape and other visual characteristics.  THese different types often contain different neurotransmitters, and conceivably these vesicles respond differentially to stimulation of the axon terminal.  There may be one or many dendrites (or none at all) emerging from the cell body.  Dendrites are usually profusely branched, and most are studded with small spikes, the dendritic spines, which along with somata and dendritic shafts, are the sites of synaptic connections. Gila  Glia, glial cells, or neuroglia are synonymous terms for a class of non-neuronal cells in the nervous system (CNS)--astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependyma, and microglia--and two types in the peripheral nervous system--Schwann and satellite cells.  The astrocytes provide structural support to neurons and are the major cell type in glial scar tissue in the CNS.  The oligodendrocytes are the myelin-forming cells of the CNS and also may perform a nurturing role for neurons.  Both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are involved in phagocytosis. of the spinal cord.  The surfaces of ependymal cells have a more direct and critical role in neuronal activity than is currently believed. Blood-brain barrier  An important feature of the brain to which glial cells contribute is the blood-brain barrier, a semipermeable barrier between the blood vessels and brain that prevents many chemical compounds from passing between brain and blood.  The ability of a molecule to cross the blood-brain barrier is based on its molecular size, electric charge, solubility, and the presence of specific transport systems for the compound.  The endothelial cells of brain capillaries differ from other capillaries because they are virtually continuous with each other and lack the pinocytotic vesicles that have been implicated in transport of substances from one side of the membrane to the other.  The biogenic amine neurotransmitters (e.g., clinical trials of a new drug)l Membranes  All cells, including neurons and glia, are enclosed in cell membranes that function as a complex regulatory site.  The membrane is a sea of phospholipids, organized as a bilayer either the hydrophobic ends of the lipid molecules pointing toward the middle of the membrane.  Within this lipid bilayer are various types of protein molecules.  Some proteins are embedded in the external or internal surfaces of the membrane.  Neurotransmitter receptors (Section 1.4), for example, are proteins that are located partially on the outside surface of the membrane and transmit a message to another protein (e.g., and enzyme [Section 1.6]) that is located on the inside surface of the membrane.  Other proteins, such as ion channels (Section 1.7), extend the entire width of the membrane. Cerebrospinal fluid  The CNS ventricular system is filled with CSF, produced by the cerebral plexi in the cerebral ventricles.  CSF leaves the ventricular system via the median aperture of Magendie and the two lateral apertures of Luschka and is then absorbed into the venous system through the drainage resulting in increased CSF pressure.  THis can often be seen in computed tomographic (CT) scans by the presence of dilated ventricles.       The CSF has a volume of approximately 125 ml in the normal adult, and approximately 500 ml are made each day.  The total volume of CSP, therefore, is replaced approximately four time each day.  The use of lumbar punctures to obtain CSF is routine neurological practice.  The CSF also is a source of research information in psychiatry because it reflects neurochemical activity in the brain.  However, metabolites from the spinal cord may significantly contribute to the chemical content of CSF, and neurotransmitter metabolites from deep brain structures may not reach the CSF efficiently.  Other consideration when evaluation research data based on CSF measurements are the possibilities of a vertical gradient in the concentration of the chemical within CSF and also of rhythmic variations of production of the chemical with time (e.g., diurnal variation). NEUROTRANSMISSION  Neurotransmission can occur either through chemical or electrical synapses.  The role of electrical synapses, also called gap junctions, in the CNS is poorly understood.  IN contrast, a great deal is known about chemical synapses.  Chemical neurotransmission classically involves a presynaptic neuron that releases a neurotransmitter that diffuses across a synaptic cleft, where it binds to a specific receptor that initiates a series of molecular events in the postsynaptic neuron.  THe three major classes of chemical postsynaptic neuron.  The three major classes of chemical neuronmessengers are biogenic amines (also called monopeptides (Section 1.4), amino acids (Section 1.4), and neuronpeptides (Section 1.5).  The intraneuronal release and following receptor activation have recently been defined (Section 1.6). Synapses  The most conventional types of chemical synapses are the axo and axo-somatic synapses, in which the axon of the presynaptic neuron synapses, with a dendrite of the cell body, respectively, of the postsynaptic neuron.  Such synapses may be inhibitory, excitator, or modulatory.  IN axo-axonic synapses, the presynaptic axon synapses with the axon hillock or axon terminal of the postsynaptic neuron.  Such synapses may be inhibitory, excitatory, or modulatory.  In axon-axonic synapses, the presynaptic axon synapses with the axon hillock or axon terminal of the postsynaptic neuron.  It is thought that their synapses are usually inhibitory.  Two more recently discovered synapses are dendrodendritic and dendroaxonic.  Both of these synaptic types are and do not elicit postsynaptic action potentials.  One final complication of synapses is that nonsynaptic neurons probably exist as well.  These are neurons with axon terminals that CSF and therefore do not have synapses with specific neurons and may function in a paracrine fashion. Receptors  Receptors (Section 1.4) are proteins in the neuronal membrane that are, in part, exposed to the extracellular fluid and specifically recognized neuromessengers.  To be classified as a receptor, the binding to this protein should be saturable, specific, and reversible.  Saturable means that in experimental preparations it can be demonstrated that there is a finite number of the receptors present.  Specific means that the receptor binds, relatively speaking, only the alleged neurotransmitter fro that receptor. Binding to a functionally meaningful receptor os reversible, which means that the receptor must first bind, then release, the neurotransmitter so that the receptor subsequently can respond to another message.  The term putative receptor is often used to describe a binding site that has not yet been definitively shown to have all the properties required of a receptor.      Receptors can be either postsynaptic or presynaptic.  In an axo-dendritic synapse, for example, the receptors on the receiving dendrite are postsynaptic.  Receptors on the axon itself are presynaptic.  They are called either presynaptic autoreceptors if they bind the neurontransmitter released by their patent neuron or presynaptic heteroreceptors if they hind a neurotransmitter released by some other neuron.     The concepts of super-sensitivity and sub-sensitivity are applied to receptors.  When demonstrated appropriately, these properties signify that a specific postsynaptic neuron responds in either an augmented or attenuated fashion to a constant amount of neurotransmitter.  Such regulation of synaptic response could come from three receptor related changes.  First, the number of receptors available for neurotransmitter binding could increase or decrease.  Second, the binding affinity of the receptor for the neurotransmitter molecule could increase or decrease.  Third, the molecular mechanism by which the receptor translates its message into the neuron could be more or less efficient. Neuromessengers Neuromessenger is a generic term that includes neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and neurohormones. The term neurotransmitters, however, is also commonly used to mean any type of chemical interneuronal message. More specifically, however, neurotransmitters are the classic neuromessengers that are rapidly released by the presynaptic neuron upon stimulation, diffuse across the synaptic cleft, and have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect on a postsynaptic neuron. Neuromodulators also bind to specific receptors, but are conceptualized as tuning or grading specific receptors, but are conceptualized as tuning or grading the response of the postsynaptic cell to the neurotransmitter. It obviously is somewhat arbitrary and artificial to decide how much tuning is merely modulation as opposed to actual transmission. Neurohormones are chemical messengers that are released by neurons into the bloodstream, rather than into the synaptic cleft or extraneuronal space. The differentiation of these three different neuromessenger types is usually less clear in actuality. Furthermore, any specific chemical may act in all three roles depending on the specific synaptic or neuronal system under consideration. Other chemical messengers In addition to biogenic amines, amino acids, and neuropeptides, there are other chemical messengers that are the subject of active research investigations. The eicosanoids include arachidonic acid and its metabolites--prostaglandins (PGs), thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. Although all of the eicosanoids are involved in neurochemical processes, the prostaglandins have been most studied in neuropsychiatric disorders. The eicosanoids differ from classical neurotransmitters in that they are not synthesized and then stored fro future release; rather, they are synthesized de novo when needed. The PGs are subtyped into several series (D, E, F, etc.) and series subtypes (e.g., PGE2). The PGEs have been hypothesized to have a role in the sedative, anticonvulsant, and analgesic effects of various medications. Lithium has been reported to decrease PGE1 stimulation of adenylate cyclase, and tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) have been hypothesized to act through down-regulation the activity of PGE2. Adenosine is a nucleoside that functions as a neuromessenger. The adenosine receptors are linked to adenylate cyclase such tat A1 receptors inhibit cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production and A2 receptors stimulate cAMP production. Two other nucleosides, guanosine and inosine, may also function as neuromessengers Electrophysiology and clinical brain imaging THe electrophysiological properties of single neurons (Section 1.8) can largely be explained by the movements of four ions--sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium--across the neuronal membranes. The effects of neuromessengers and sys drugs are ultimately translated into changes in the fluxes of these ions. Several clinical test--=electroencephalograms, evoked potentials, and computerized mapping of brain electrical activity )SEction 1.8)--measure the mass effects of these ionic changes. Both gross anatomy and brain function can now be imaged in living human subjects (Section 1.10). CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can image gross anatomy. Positron emission tomography (PET), regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), magnetic spectroscopy, and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) measure various aspects of the brain function. Psychonoendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology The nervous system, the endocrine system (Section 1.11), and the immune system (Section 1.12) are the three bodily systems that can communicate within themselves though complex chemical signals. It is now appreciated that each of these systems also can communicate with the other two, creating a triad of intercommunicating systems (Section 1.12). THe neuroendrocrine system may be the major mediator of of environmental stress, and soon the neuroimmune system may help explain the pathophysiology of psychosomatic disorders. Someday, the seemingly straightforward division of disorders into neurological, immunological, or endocrinological may seem archaic. Chronobiology and plasticity in the mature CNS Virtually every objective biological measure discussed in Sections 1.2 to 1.12 changes with time in a regular fashion. THe study of these biological rhythms is called chronobiology (Section 1.13). THe brain is a plastic, mutable organ that also evidences nonrhythmic changes (Section 1.14), such as changes in the neuronal shape, the number and quality of synaptic connections, and the intraneuronal molecular contents. Although, for all intents and purposes, mammalian neurons cannot divide in the adult, there remain remarkable mechanisms for moderating changes in the CNS. Genetics Molecular genetics (Section 1.15) is the study of genes and gene expression at the basic chemical level. The techniques of molecular genetics have made it conceptually possible to diagnose, prevent, and treat mental disorders at this most basic molecular level. Although molecular genetics currently is one of the most exciting areas of neuroscience, population genetics, the study of the inheritance of phenotypes is groups of individuals, provides the historical and conceptual foundation for much of biological oriented psychiatry. Research Strategies in descriptive population genetics In addition to linkage studies (Section 1.15) there are five general types of studies in descriptive population--pedigree analyses, family risk studies, twin studies, adoption studies, and high-risk studies. The validity of any of these of investigations requires both an unbiased identification and an accurate diagnosis of all subjects studied. Pedigree analysis Pedigree analysis involves the study of individual families that contain members who are affected by the disorder under investigation. Family tress can be constructed to diagram marriages, children, deaths, and affected by the disorder under investigation. Pedigree analysis can suggest hypothesis regarding whether disorders are inheritable and what the type of inheritance might be (e. g., dominant, recessive, X-linked). However, because of the small number of individuals who have been studied, as will as the biased ascertainment method and the possible role of nongenetic environmental influences, pedigree analysis is generally useful only for the generation of hypothesis that will subsequently be tested by other types of studies.

Monday, December 9, 2013

John 12:25-12:47

John 12:25-12:47 "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me: and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor. Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, glorigy Your name." Then a voice came from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to Him." Jesus answered and said, "This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake. Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself." This He said, signifying by what death He would die. The people answered Him, "We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever; and how can Your say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up'? Who is this Son of Man?" Then Jesus said to them, "A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. "While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light." These things Jesus spoke, and departed, and was hidden from them. But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, That the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: "Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?" Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again: "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, est they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them." These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and spoke of Him. Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Then Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. "And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. "And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.

The Computer Laboratory is an academic department within the University of Cambridge that encompasses Computer Science, along with many aspects of Engineering, Technology and Mathematics. It consists of 41 academic staff, 29 support staff, 5 research fellows, 81 post-doctoral research workers and 119 PhD students. We have over 300 undergraduates studying for Part I, II and III of the Computer Science Tripos and 36 graduate students studying for the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science.

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  • The Computer Laboratory is a academic department within the University or Cambridge that encompasses Computer Science, along with many aspects of Engineering, Technology and Mathematics. It consists of academic staff, support staff, research fellows, post-doctoral research workers and PhD students. We have over 300 undergraduates studying for Part I, II and III of the Computer Science Tripos and 36 graduate students studying for the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science.
    Systems Research Group – NetOS

    Networks and Operating Systems group

    Welcome to the web pages of NetOS, the Networks and Operating Systems group, which together with the Opera group makes up the Computer Laboratory's Systems Research Group. The group undertakes teaching and research into topics including computer architecture, operating systems design, network monitoring and protocol design, practical distributed systems and mobile communications.
    NetOS runs a number of team-based research projects simultaneously, with a leaning towards real implementations and deployments. We work closely with other groups in the Computer Laboratory and University, as well as industrial partners such as Intel Research and Microsoft Research. The group is always interested to hear from individuals with strong systems skills as well as prospective students for the PhD degree.
    See the Lab's pages for general contact information and travel directions. Individuals can be contacted using these details.
    • © 2013 Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
      Information provided by Dimos Pediaditakis
    The,Computer,Laboratory,is,an,academic,department,within,the,University,of,Cambridge,that,encompasses,Computer,Science,along,with,many,aspects,of,Engineering,Technology,and,Mathematics,It,consists,of,academic,staff,29 support,staff,5 research,fellows,81 post-doctoral,research,workers,and,119,PhD,students,We,have,over,undergraduates,studying,for,Part,I,II,and,III,of,the,Computer,Science,Tripos,and,graduate,students,studying,for,the,MPhil,in,Advanced,Computer,Science,41,36,300

    Today the divide that matters is that between those who can count in binary and those who can't, between the culture of the technologists and coders and that of the users. The division is similar to, but not co-extensive with, that identified by Snow simply because most scientists are, thanks to the technological basis of their research, computer-literate, while many of those in the arts, humanities and politics will be wondering what happened to the other eight cultures referred to in the title of this lecture.

    Computer Laboratory - A Treasure Trail: History of Computer Science in Cambridge
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    A Computing Treasure Trail: Cambridge's Computer Science Heritage

    The connection between Cambridge University and computing may not quite stretch back for eight hundred years, but the history of computing in its many forms is certainly connected to Cambridge in many ways, with Newton, Babbage, Wilkes, Needham and Sparck-Jones among those who have graced the University over the centuries. On May 27th we would like to invite you to take a short tour of some sites in the Cambridge that are associated with computation and computer science, complete with some fascinating demonstrations and an opportunity to see parts of one of the world's first computers, the EDSAC. The tour is taking place in advance of a lecture by Bill Thompson from the BBC World Service programme Digital Planet, on The 10 Cultures Problem, which will take place at 14:15 in the Computer Laboratory. You can download the map and take the tour yourself - it's about 2.5 miles - or join the guided tour which will begin at the Sidgwick Site at 10:45 and arrive at the lab in time for the talk.


    You can download a PDF of the brochure if you want to take the tour on your own.


    These are the sites to see. You can also see the route on Google Map. The walk is taking place during the Universityís examination period, so colleges will be closed to non-members. 
    Faculty of Economics, Sidgwick Site, Sidgwick Avenue
    Demonstration of the MONIAC Analogue Hydraulic Computer Demo by Dr. Allan McRobie, Economics Department at 10:00, 11:00 and 11:30
    The Mathematical Bridge, visible from Silver Street
    A famous Cam landmark, which was neither designed nor built by Isaac Newton.
    Former home of DAMTP, visible through alley off Silver Street
    Formerly the workplace of Professor Stephen Hawking
    St Botolph's Church, corner of Silver Street and Trumpington Street
    An unusual double sundial
    Olivetti/AT&T Research Labs, old Addenbrooke's Site, Trumpington Street
    Site of a great deal of important research, including the active badge and other work in pervasive computing.
    Foundress Court Sundial, Pembroke College, visible from Tennis Court Road
    A modern sundial
    Site of the Bun Shop pub, corner of Downing Street and Corn Exchange Street (now part of Grand Arcade)
    A favourite with computer scientists, including Roger Needham, former head of department and founding director of Microsoft Research, Cambridge
    New Museums Site
    The site of the old Mathematical Laboratory and the EDSAC, commemorated with a plaque near the Babbage Lecture Theatre
    The old Computer Lab tower,
    Site of the Trojan Room and the Cambridge Coffee Pot, in the New Museums Site
    The old Cavendish Laboratory, visible from Free School Lane
    The research laboratory where the electron and neutron were discovered
    The Eagle, Bene't Street
    Another favourite pub with computer scientist, also notable as a regular haunt for Francis Crick and James Waston when they were working on the structure of DNA/
    Kingís College, Kingís Parade
    Alan Turing was one of the notable computer scientists to have been a Fellow at Kingís
    6a Kingís Parade (now the meditation centre)
    Formerly offices for Sinclair Research and Acorn Computers, among others.
    Trinity College, Trinity Street,
    Where Isaac Newton worked.
    St John's College, St John's Street,
    Where Roger Needham and Maurice Wilkes were fellows
    The Castle, Castle Street
    Another haunt of computer scientists ñ there may be a theme emerging ñ and notable as the place where the 'xen hypervisor' was named
    Mount Pleasant House
    Home of many startups especially those associated with Hermann Hauser and Andy Hopper.
    This is a good point to take a taxi or bus  to the Cavendish Laboratory
    Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road
    Where Andrew Wylie presented his solution to Fermat's Last Theorem
    Cavendish Laboratory
    Qubit Quantum Computing Demo by Dr. David Williams in the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory at 11:30, 12:00, and 12:30
    Dasher Demo and Exhibition in the Physics Dept. lobby
    Computer Laboratory
    A number of exhibitions and displays will be taking place during the day:
    History of Computer Laboratory
    The Door: display of the original door of Mathematical Department (the common room on 1st floor)
    The Trojan Room Coffee Pot (the world's first webcam): BBD News in 1994
    EDSAC Demo (Video: Martin Richards - EDSAC Simulation in BCPL)
    EDSAC papers by David Wheeler (Initial Orders for EDSAC)
    Exhibition of archived research papers (Computer Laboratory Library )
    Relics Project - Virtual Exhibition
    CAP project (at the entrance hall)
    Refreshments are available in the Cafe
    Lecture: The 10 Cultures Problem (1415, Lecture Theatre 1)

    Guided Tour

    If you would like to join the guided tour please meet outside the Economics Faculty Building on the Sidgwick Site at 10:45. The tour, which includes demonstrations of the hydraulic computer and the quantum computer, will arrive at the Cavendish Laboratory at 12:30 and at the Computer Laboratory at 13:30, giving you time to have lunch before the lecture begins at 14:15.

    Direction and Maps

    Bill Thompson (Bill's blog)

    Writer and journalist Bill Thompson took the Diploma in Computer Science in 1983 and now describes himself as a 'technology critic', straddling the two worlds in his work for the BBC, Arts Council England and others. In this lecture he will consider what level of understanding of computer science is needed in order to be an effective and engaged member of modern society. What is the technological equivalent of Snow's complaint that the literary people of his acquaintance did not know of the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Should everyone code, or is it enough to understand what Roger Needham meant when he claimed - as he so often did - that every problem in computing can be solved with another level of indirection?
    His Lecture: The 10 Cultures Problem
    In May 1959 CP Snow used the Rede Lecture in Cambridge to explore the notion that British society, its education system and its intellectual life was characterised by a split between two cultures, the humanities and the sciences. Today the divide that matters is that between those who can count in binary and those who can't, between the culture of the technologists and coders and that of the users. The division is similar to, but not co-extensive with, that identified by Snow simply because most scientists are, thanks to the technological basis of their research, computer-literate, while many of those in the arts, humanities and politics will be wondering what happened to the other eight cultures referred to in the title of this lecture.

    Information of the Historical Sites

    on the wall near 13C

  • 12. [CB2 1ST] Alan Turing (Kings College)
  • 14. [CB2 1TQ] Isaac Newton Trinity College (Newton's stature in the Chapel)
  • 15. [CB2 1TP] Maurice Wilkes and Roger Needham
  • (St John's College)
  • Favourite Pubs

    • 11. [CB2 3QN] Eagle: where Watson and Crick announced the discovery of the structure of DNA
    • [CB1 1LN] The Bun Shop: Roger Needham's favourite - used be at corner of Downing Street and Corn Exchange Street (now part of Grand Arcade)
    • 16. [CB3 0AJ] Castle: where Xen was named

  • 19. [CB3 0HE] Qubit Quantum Computing Demo (Dr. David Williams, Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory at Cavendish Laboratory)

    • Time table: 11:30, 12:00, and 12:30

  • 19. [CB3 0HE] Dasher Demo and Exhibition (the Physics Dept. lobby in Cavendish Laboratory)
  • 20. [CB3 0FD] Computer Laboratory

  • Monday, November 25, 2013

    Syria is also an opportunity for Russia to make amends for sacrificing two of its major clients in the Arab world – Iraq in 1991 and Libya in 2011. Depending on which way you look at it, Iraq was either a strategic blunder or a brilliant Kutuzovian retreat. A blunder because Iraq was not only a friendly state, it was also a huge buyer of Russian weapons and machinery. At the same time, America’s Middle East misadventure dramatically changed the perception of the United States and Russia in the Muslim world. Where earlier Moscow was the HQ of godlessness, the Iraq War became a huge – and continuing – PR disaster for the United States. It depleted Washington’s treasury to the tune of $2 trillion and counting. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military gear is being abandoned in Iraq. The American military is increasingly suffering from combat fatigue and rampant drug addiction, while the killing of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan is turning world opinion against it. But since the existence of a modern Kutuzov in the Kremlin isn’t yet confirmed, it has to be assumed that Russia played no part in America’s Iraq fiasco. It was just a case of American hubris. At any rate, there is no reason to assume the West will make the same mistakes in Syria. Instead of a direct invasion of the country, it might organise a prolonged guerrilla war that could eventually wreck the country. Fat cats Qatar and Saudi Arabia have limitless funds to bankroll such a war. Qatar’s gas pipeline Russia has reasons to be wary of fundamentalism exporting Saudi Arabia and cocky Qatar. Flush with easy-earned petrodollars and living under the protection of the United States, Qatar has become an active player in the Middle Eastern version of the Great Game. Qatar poses a huge threat to Russia’s gas markets in Europe. The Qatari rulers have long dreamt of a gas pipeline from the sands of Arabia to Europe. Syria is the last segment of the jigsaw puzzle of nation states through which the pipeline will roll. Sitting on gigantic reserves, the Emirate could flood Europe with Middle Eastern gas, leaving Russia a distant No.3 after Norway and Qatar. Commerce is one thing, but to destroy a country in order to run a pipeline through it is nothing less than genocide. Countries have gone to war for far less. Steeling up Syria Russian restraint is past its use by date and it may finally despatch the formidable S-300 missiles to Syria. It will also receive Yakhont anti-ship missiles, which will ramp up the country’s capability to protect its Mediterranean coastline and check the smuggling of weapons via the sea route.

    Not since December 1971 has Russia jumped into the combat zone to defend an ally as it is doing in Syria now. That wintry fortnight more than 40 years ago, while the Indian military was fighting a two-front war against Pakistan, the Russians dispatched a formidable armada of nuclear attack submarines and warships to prevent a joint American-British attack on India.
    Like Syria today, India too was caught up in a nightmarish scenario. Almost the exact bunch – the United States, UK, UAE, Turkey, Jordan and France – which is promoting genocide in Syria, were in 1971 supplying Pakistan with weapons to fight India and commit genocide against its own Bengali population. At the same time, Washington was pushing China to attack India across the Himalayas, just as it is now encouraging the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to increase the level of terror in Syria.
    Treaty bound to defend India, Russia deployed the full-spectrum of its diplomatic and military powers. The payback wasn’t just tremendous Indian goodwill; Moscow’s popularity in the Middle East rose dramatically after that war. The intervention was also timely because around the same time the United States was secretly opening up to China through Pakistan’s brokerage.
    Russia’s red lines
    It is Moscow’s 1971 moment all over again. If Russia doesn’t fight the West’s hired guns in Syria, it will soon be fighting them on the shores of the Black Sea. It’s as simple as that. For, the fundamentalists won’t stop at Damascus; like a virus they will spread towards Russia’s borders.
    Syria is the last of the Arab states holding out against the West. It is also the missing link in a collection of American client states and allies in the region, extending from Saudi Arabia in the south to Turkey up north.
    Russia has drawn several red lines on Syria – no regime change, no arms embargo, no UN resolutions condemning President Bashar al-Assad. But there was an unstated red line which was crossed – by Saudi Arabia – which perked up the Kremlin’s antennae.
    Syria Hot topic: Syria
    Saudi Arabia’s unrestrained backing of hardcore terrorists in Syria proves the kingdom is playing the same perfidious game that created the Mujahidin. The Afghan Mujahidin – the granddaddy of the al-Qaeda and the Taliban – was a successful Saudi-American project directed again
    st Russian forces in Afghanistan. Moscow cannot afford to allow a similar Saudi-American alliance to sting it in Syria.
    Neutralising the United States
    Moscow – along with Beijing – has used its veto power to block the West from overrunning Assad. Clearly, Russia has learnt from its blunder in Libya, where it gave the West a free hand. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “We have had civilians protected in Libya and know the results.” After Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal assassination, Russia has said thanks but no thanks to the kind of ‘democracy’ that has been foisted on the people of Libya.
    The double veto has had the desired effect of neutralising the United States. Unable to rain rockets on Damascus, the White House is using sanctions to pressure Assad, while leaving dirty tricks to its henchmen in Assad’s backyard. “We are leaving the matter in Turkish hands; a hazardous, but necessary, course of action,” retired Army Colonel Doug Macgregor, a former military planner-turned-consultant, told the US News & World Report.
    It is a measure of how effectively America has been countered that it has outsourced its Middle East policy to Turkey, which has proved to be a rank amateur in the Great Game vs Russia.
    Making amends for Iraq, Libya
    Syria is also an opportunity for Russia to make amends for sacrificing two of its major clients in the Arab world – Iraq in 1991 and Libya in 2011.
    Depending on which way you look at it, Iraq was either a strategic blunder or a brilliant Kutuzovian retreat. A blunder because Iraq was not only a friendly state, it was also a huge buyer of Russian weapons and machinery. At the same time, America’s Middle East misadventure dramatically changed the perception of the United States and Russia in the Muslim world.
    Where earlier Moscow was the HQ of godlessness, the Iraq War became a huge – and continuing – PR disaster for the United States. It depleted Washington’s treasury to the tune of $2 trillion and counting. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military gear is being abandoned in Iraq. The American military is increasingly suffering from combat fatigue and rampant drug addiction, while the killing of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan is turning world opinion against it.
    But since the existence of a modern Kutuzov in the Kremlin isn’t yet confirmed, it has to be assumed that Russia played no part in America’s Iraq fiasco. It was just a case of American hubris.
    At any rate, there is no reason to assume the West will make the same mistakes in Syria. Instead of a direct invasion of the country, it might organise a prolonged guerrilla war that could eventually wreck the country. Fat cats Qatar and Saudi Arabia have limitless funds to bankroll such a war.
    Qatar’s gas pipeline
    Russia has reasons to be wary of fundamentalism exporting Saudi Arabia and cocky Qatar. Flush with easy-earned petrodollars and living under the protection of the United States, Qatar has become an active player in the Middle Eastern version of the Great Game.
    Qatar poses a huge threat to Russia’s gas markets in Europe. The Qatari rulers have long dreamt of a gas pipeline from the sands of Arabia to Europe. Syria is the last segment of the jigsaw puzzle of nation states through which the pipeline will roll. Sitting on gigantic reserves, the Emirate could flood Europe with Middle Eastern gas, leaving Russia a distant No.3 after Norway and Qatar.
    Commerce is one thing, but to destroy a country in order to run a pipeline through it is nothing less than genocide. Countries have gone to war for far less.
    Steeling up Syria
    Russian restraint is past its use by date and it may finally despatch the formidable S-300 missiles to Syria. It will also receive Yakhont anti-ship missiles, which will ramp up the country’s capability to protect its Mediterranean coastline and check the smuggling of weapons via the sea route.

    RF ForMin urges to stop speculations over Syria and check reports about use of chemical weapons
    Chemicals use in Syria should not be pretext for geopolitical goals - Lavrov
    Syria needs more BRICS assistance
    Moscow slams Friends of Syria rebel arms pledge
    Further, the Russian Defence Ministry has announced it will establish a permanent naval task force in the Mediterranean Sea. Russian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov announced earlier this month that the Mediterranean task force will have six warships and support vessels. Also on their way are Russian nuclear submarines – a striking parallel to 1971 no doubt.
    Assad: Standing alone
    We are clearly living in bizarre times. Who could have guessed the West’s beacons of democracy would arm hardcore Islamic terrorists including the al-Qaeda, which incidentally was the prime target of the so-called War on Terror?
    Russia, more than any other country in the world, can stop the West’s bizarre experiments in statecraft. While national interests are worth securing, Russia must intervene in Syria to protect something far more valuable – a truly secular society, which has bucked the Middle Eastern penchant for fratricide and ruin.
    Assad’s Syria is a secular oasis where people of diverse faiths – the spiritual Alawites, the mystic Druze, Christians, Shias and Sunnis – live amicably together rather than in segregated ghettos. The United States, Gulf & Co now wants to turn it into a place where daily bomb explosions are the rule, as in another country recently democratised by the West – Iraq.

    21,What,is,it?,,See,our,videos,and,radio,shows,at,the,bottom,of,this,page,video,page,N,Agenda,,BEHIND,THE,GREEN,MASK:,U.N.,Agenda,or,search,YouTube,for,sa,Koire,or,buy,manufacturing,,and,set,energy,consumption,goals,to,pre,at,the,Earth,Summit,in,Rio,de,Janeiro,when,President,Bush,signed,onto,it.,,Click,here,to,see,a,list,of,the,countries,that,signed,UN,Agenda,federal,agencies,,corporations21.,President,Clinton,took,office,the,following,year,and,created,the,President's,Council,on,Sustainable,Development,to,implement,it,in,the,United,States.,Made,up,of,,and,non,profit,groups,,the,President's,Council,on,Sustainable,Development,moved,quickly,to,ensure,that,all,federal,agencies,would,change,their,policies,AEnvironmental,Initiatives,,,ICLEI,,is,tasked,with,carrying,out,the,goals,of,Agenda,worldwide.,,Remember:,UN,Agenda,speaking,debt,for,to,comply,with,UN,Agenda,Sustainable,Development,is,a,global,plan,that,is,implemented,locally,Over,cities,in,the,U.S.,are,members,our,town,SOUNDS,LIKE,SCIENCE,FICTIONOR,SOME,CONSPIRACY,THEORYThe,costs,are,paid,by,taxpayers,It's,time,that,people,educate,themselves,and,read,the,document,and,related,commentary,After,that,,get,a,copy,of,your,city,or,county's,General,Plan,and,read,it,You,will,find,all,sorts,of,policies,BUT,IT,ISN'T,UN,Agenda,provided,funding,and,'blighted',Doesn't,it,seem,like,about,Square,here,2007,21,21,1985,21,45,21,600,30,1992,21,70's,It's,time,to,bring,U.N.,Agenda,So,what,,Most,of,your,towns,,generally,Story,why,people,want,to,come,to,the,US,,right,,We,don't,have,Tiananmen,joined,in,justice,which,is,a,cornerstone,of,the,U.N.,Agenda,humans,U.N.,called,Our,use,you,to,read,our,blog,'The,Way,We,See,It,,on,our,revolution',across,the,US.,educational,system,,the,energy,market,the,transportation,system,,the,nongovernmental,organization,called,the,International,Council,of,Local,U,,resisted,it,you,won't,know,it's,happening,plan,Agenda,policies,date,back,to,the,but,it,,great,britain,university,california,palomar,mountain,range,so,california”,san,diego,riverside,orange,los,angeles,counties,county,metropolitan,greater,region,area,city,Chicago”,Chemistry”,of,20876,22043,22101,22102,703,202,571,301,843,443,22203,22207,22206,22204,22201,22200,22202,22209,22046,22048,22035,22052,22058,22060,22062,As,a,leader,in,biomedical,engineering,research,the,Duke,BME,offers,an,outstanding,opportunity,for,Master,of,Engineering,students.,Being,at,the,forefront,of,ground,breaking,research,means,we,integrate,theory,and,practice,in,our,classrooms,and,discussions,Collaborations,exist,with,many,Duke,Medical,Center,departments,such,as,the,Duke,Comprehensive,Cancer,Center,and,the,california,polytechnic,state,university,of,taken,down,to,a,condition,closer,to,average,in,the,world,Only,then,,they,say,,will,there,be,social,That's,why,we'd,like,reason,got,its,real,start,in”The Enrico De Fermi Institue for Advanced Nuclear Studies”,”The Ryerson Chemical Engineering Laboratory The University of Chicago Department of Chemistry",”Boston, Massachusetts”,”Stanford University”,”Cyclotron Laboratory”,”university of california berkeley”,”The Department of Defense Research and Development Bethesda Maryland Howard County", ”The John Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland Laurel Maryland The Applied Physics Laboratory”,”The University of California",”san louis obi so",project”,”human genome technology”,”Chicago","Illinois”,"Maryland”,"Montgomery County,”san francisco bay”